Integrating Choice and Voice to Promote Student Agency

Jenning Prevatte, M. Ed.

In a recent blog, Elements of Teaching Brilliantly, I explored five essential elements all educators could implement into their teaching practice. One of them was creating a learner-centered teaching approach. Creating a learner-centered teaching approach prioritizes learners' learning needs and interests rather than solely focusing on the teacher's perspective of the curriculum. 

This approach emphasizes active learning, collaboration, and critical thinking and aims to empower learners to take ownership of their education. In addition, developing a learner-centered teaching approach creates opportunities for student agency, no matter the education level you teach at. Giving learners agency means letting them take control of their learning process by allowing them to choose how to engage in learning the course material. This can increase motivation, engagement, and a deeper understanding of the studied material. It also helps learners develop essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making. Ultimately, student agency supports learners in becoming independent and expert learners equipped to navigate life's challenges beyond the classroom.

Choice Boards enhance student engagement, 

provide the power of choice in learning, 

and increase intrinsic motivation.

So, how do we empower learner agency? Choice boards are often used in elementary school, but why stop there? I have had great success with integrating choice boards & assignment menus into my college courses. When we think about how we can actively engage students in the learning process in secondary and post-secondary education, integrating these tools is a great way to support the power of choice and voice for learners. They enhance student engagement, provide the power of choice in learning, and increase intrinsic motivation. All while providing students with differentiated learning and a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) perspective. Choice boards and assignment menus can be used across multiple discipline areas in K12 and higher education.

Want to

Using Choice Boards to Promote Student Agency
You can download it from the Teach Brilliantly Toolkit.
My hope is you find it as valuable as my colleagues do. 

Teach Brilliantly Toolkit

Learners today seek to be challenged and actively involved in learning. However, they need tools to support their learning, such as choice boards and note-making tools to help move them along the learning continuum. 

I've been sharing my choice board with my colleagues, and they have valued adding this tool to their teaching practice. This week, I would like to share it with you.