Word of the Year... LOVE

Jenning Prevatte, M.Ed.

At the beginning of every new year, I reflect on my successes and growth areas from the previous year. I also choose a word of the year to help me focus my intentions. This year, I chose Love, specifically self-love. I wanted to focus more on self-compassion, self-care, and self-love.

A month into the year, I have reflected on how I demonstrate Love to myself and others. Love is a verb, an action, and a way to express our emotions and feelings towards ourselves and others. As I enter this year of more profound self-discovery and connection to my core values, emotions, and what motivates me, I am also taking time to identify things that bring me joy and reduce stress to increase my self-compassion, strength, and peace. 

To help myself, I have crafted a list of 52 ways to demonstrate self-love, one for each week of the year. I want to share my toolbox of wellness strategies with you. I hope you find some inspiration in this list.

Self-Love Wellness Toolbox

In January's blog, Continuing to Ride the Ebbs and Flows of Teaching, I shared the concept of Teaching Brilliantly. From my perspective, it is how you teach and live a balanced and brilliant life to empower learners. 

Effective teaching includes caring for yourself to give your students the support they need. Burnout is real! Being stressed harms our physical and emotional health. Plus, it causes strain in our relationships with our students and colleagues. But it can be avoided with healthy practices that promote wellness.

Three Powerhouse Goals

We introduced three powerhouse goals to focus on and encourage wellness practices. They are:


These aspects support living a balanced life. Creating balance in our personal and professional lives gives us the strength to work in diverse and dynamic environments and to do the emotional and physically demanding work in education. We have the personal power to affect our lived experiences and emotional and physical wellness.

Are you inspired to create your wellness toolkit? What is your word of the year? Consider a word that helps you focus your intentions for the year, reminding you of your purpose and motivating you to keep moving forward. Then, create your wellness toolkit. Consider adding activities that you engage in to enhance the powerhouse's three essential objectives for brilliant teaching by adding them to your wellness toolkit.  

Remember! You are brilliant!
You connect, engage, and inspire the future!

 Remember that you are making a difference in the lives of your students every day.


Always remember - You are talented!

Teach Brilliantly aims to empower teachers, families, and communities by creating constructive interaction to support wellness and education by providing coaching, consulting, resources, and eLearning courses on innovative teaching strategies. Here is a list of our favorite book recommendations to support the ever-growing knowledge of child development, teaching, and brain science.  

We hope you find these as valuable as we did. As an Amazon Associate, we earn a commission from qualifying purchases through these affiliate links. This is, of course, at no additional cost to you, and we only share products we use and love. Thank you! 

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Developing inner strength and resilience takes self-compassion. 

Being kind to ourselves is critical to achieving a fulfilling work-life balance. We highly recommend reading books that support developing self-compassion to have a compassionate relationship with self and others. 

Our favorite is The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook: A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and Thrive.

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