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Jenning Prevatte, M.Ed. owner of Teach Brilliantly and co-owner of Sprouting New Beginnings, is Associate Professor in Education at Red Rocks Community College in Lakewood, CO. An Educational Coach and former K-6 teacher. Jenning has her Master's in Special Education with an emphasis on Early Childhood from Arizona State University. Jenning is a national presenter and co-author of the book Sign, Read, & Play, The School Readiness Collection.
Jenning Prevatte and Teach Brilliantly offer eLearning courses to support educators at all levels. Jenning provides coaching and consulting on effective teaching and using American Sign Language for literacy, brain development, child development, and working with exceptional children.
Jenning coaches educational professionals working in ECE, K-12, and Higher Education to create highly effective relationships, high-quality learning environments, and equity-mindedness to impact the future positively.
Please enjoy our collection of resources and don't hesitate to contact us for individual coaching and consulting @