Red Rocks Community College
2021 Student Voice
Endowed Teaching Chair Winner
“Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it”
~ Marian Wright Edelman
The Foundation Board of Directors is honored to announce the 2021 Student Voice Endowed Teaching Chair winner, Jenning Prevatte. Jenning is the EDU Faculty Lead here at Red Rocks Community College. Jenning will be awarded $22,500 over the next three years with salary enhancement and professional development funds.
“I am very grateful for the ETC opportunity and award. It has been a fantastic journey of professional growth. I really enjoyed working with the faculty committee and the foundation board during the teaching demonstrations. I also want to thank the faculty, administrators, and students who supported me through this process.
I am excited to use my professional development money to expand current initiatives that I’ve been involved in to support teaching and learning. My goal is to continue to develop my excellence in teaching and coaching in a variety of ways that advocate and support quality teaching and learning for faculty, instructors, and students, as well as to have a positive impact on equity, inclusion, and access for all students. This summer I will begin working with colleagues to design a teaching and learning center at RRCC and expand the Professional Learning Community (PLC) pilot.”
~Jenning Prevatte, M.Ed.
Jenning is an advocate in Teacher Education who is focused on her belief that all students can succeed, as long as we address the barriers set before them. The past year has challenged all educators to live up to these words. The Board was impressed with the rigor, timeliness, and vision that Ms. Prevatte brought to her Endowed Teaching Chair application process.
Angela King, MAS
Executive Director of Institutional Advancement
Foundation & Advancement Team
Red Rock Community College